Thursday, January 24, 2008

Photo of Jorja

Look at our sweet girl!!! A mom of one of Jorja's friends sent this photo to us. Jorja is in the sweatshirt with the dark sleeves! I can't wait to hold her tight!!!

The second photo is her "fish face". Actually, she was just given a Hersey's kiss candy. Like mother like daughter!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Amanda and I would love to adopt from China, but we will probably never be able to afford it. It is a nice dream anyway!

Jodi said...

Erik, if God has given you a heart to adopt I believe he will provide! It may not happen tomorrow - but he will provide if you follow his will!!

I will be praying for you and Amanda!

Christie said...

Beautiful! You must be so happy to see her...even just a glimpse - of course bittersweet.

Hugs -